Branson Repeaters

Missouri Ozarks Amateur (Ham) Radio


Yaesu System Fusion LogoThe Metropolitan Amateur Repeater System (M.A.R.S.) including the Branson Repeaters is accessible via YSF Reflector: 31686 US-MARS.

YSF stands for Yaesu System Fusion. System Fusion is Yaesu’s implementation of Digital Amateur Radio, utilizing C4FM 4-level FSK Technology to transmit digital voice and data over the Amateur radio bands. In the early 2000’s GMSK emerged in the Amateur radio market as the dominant digital mode, however in 2013 Yaesu introduced “System Fusion” which quickly became the dominating digital format in Amateur radio because of quality, reliability and enhanced performance in a wide range of environments.

Digital Communication modes have gained popularity over the years in the market because of superior performance in environments with interference, noise and other contributing factors that degrade the quality of a standard FM Analog signal. Narrower bandwidth and the need for increased spectrum have led to the development of digital communications technology, which has been widely adopted in the Public safety and private business sectors that use two-way radio technology. Unlike it’s commercial counterpart, System Fusion is an Amateur Friendly Digital Operating mode, straying away from some of the design considerations that make commercial solutions less appealing and more difficult for Amateur Radio Operators, providing a simpler interface and features that meet the demands and needs of the Amateur enthusiast specifically. Below you will find more information on this marvelous new technology, and how it can meet every operators demand and needs for a clear and simple Digital Experience.1

Accessing M.A.R.S. via YSF

To access the Metropolitan Amateur Repeater System including the Branson Repeaters via YSF, all you will need to do is select YSF Reflector 31686 US-MARS in your hotspot’s YSF settings. Then, anywhere in the world, you can use your personal hotspot to access our system.


1“Our Technology – What is System Fusion?” Yaesu

Branson Repeaters © 2024